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Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Dictators of Sudan and Seculars

Numeri, the second military dictator in Sudan's history, was crazy that time he used the religion to implement what's so called the Sharia laws to deal with crimes he created in the state, in stead of the civil law of Sudan.

Numeri himself was not a religious man. He was a rebellious military man. His comrades know him as drunkard, womanizer and gambler. He has never been that "Sheikh". So, what had happened to change all those behaviours? And were they really changed?

Nothing has changed on those behaviours, although Numeri has succeeded to throw "aches on the eyes". But Numeri has changed to this criterion when he has been influenced by another false "Sheikh" called Hassan Abed-Allah El-Turabi who was then the leader of the "Muslim Brothers" party.

Coming back soon to continue those lines from my book –
Meanwhile read more at http://www.hoa-politicalscene.com/hoa-political-scene-blog.html

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Secularist's Shooting

Good shooting Rose, since secularism is getting very necessary at this time where some governments sought people to fight against themselves for no reasons at all.

Some dictators in our continent decided to lead the wave for terrorism. They are not pleased to get their people to fight them every decade to bring false democratic governments. Instead of that, they wanted those people to go mad about God, while God hates to see people fighting themselves and disturbing his planet.

Thank you

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We appreciate any discussion about "Secularism" only here at this secular space, but not at the following one, which is about something else, like TV Shows and some other entertaining videos.

Secularisms Ethical Guidance

On Monday, May 14, 2007, at 9:00 p.m. ET, Larry King asked this question at his program Larry King Live:

CNN Tonight: Religion in Politics What does God have to do with electing America’s next president?

I sent him these lines:

Larry, God has nothing to do with it.

Politics should always take away from religions. Yes of course we live with religious beliefs but we take from those beliefs what benefit the people not destroying them or making wars. Politicians should not push history back since we are living in the 21st century.

We should call always for secularism while ruling the states. Lot of people outside of America and inside America itself died because of this religious phobia. God doesn’t say kill people.

Religions should always go to where they belong. They should go to the mosques, churches and temples. The governing houses are not their places. At the state level we adhere by law not by religion.

Yes, we call for secularism to rule to eliminate contradictions between religions. People who are serious about their religions can easily go to where religions belong, take preaching and preach what they like. But, when we come to the state, we should deal with different people from different religions and cultures by laws and orders. This is the only way to be well civilized and modern folk who take rationality as their only ethical guidance.

When religions interfere in politics they create a precarious livelihood. The morality of any state can be built upon those peaceful general principles in religions though.

Read more about politics at http://www.ezine-act-politics-business-and-love.com/ezine-act-blog.html

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Secular Blog

This is a test blog for people to go secular. If you liked the "Term” or if you're already secular go with this rhythm and post some comments about being secular yourself.

You can look for secular activists on different countries too. I'll come soon to write about secularism.

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